What is the Biodiversity Academy (BDA)?

Biodiversity refers to the global prosperity of living organisms and the natural world (as part of an ecosystem). It is a thing to be treasured across the world and exists as an intricate network that has formed over the past four billion years. The various blessings that accompany biodiversity support our every-day lives and social and economic activities at the most fundamental level. However, due to the expansion of human activity, the state of biodiversity is continuing to worsen.
The Biodiversity Academy (BDA) was established based on current scientific thought and an appreciation for the graces of biodiversity; its purpose is to better understand biodiversity, to undertake activities aimed at promoting and supporting biodiversity, and to raise community awareness of the present issues in order to reverse the current poor environmental conditions.
With this mandate, the BDA sees it as necessary to consider once more how to reconnect living organisms and nature, people and people, and people and society together. Through efforts to make it possible to satisfy the needs of society and the region, and to create networks of like-minded thinkers within the community, we are aiming to establish a society in which it is possible for humans and the natural world to continue to coexist in harmony.

The Mission of the BDA: The BDA has set its sights on promoting biodiversity with a strong focus on promoting community engagement.


Main Projects

•Research survey activities relating to biodiversity both within Japan and abroad
•Holding meetings, symposiums and research events relating to biodiversity
•Issuing texts and publications, and setting up lectures relating to research, education and increasing public awareness of biodiversity
•Holding seminars and environmental education programs relating to biodiversity
•Managing shared plans and support activities of educational organisations, administrative bodies and companies relating to biodiversity

Biodiversity Academy – Recent Events

•Foundation of the Biodiversity Academy
•Concluded a partnership agreement with Kyungsung University
•Organised an international seminar on global warming
•Delvered a presentation on Citizen Science in America
•Hosted a Citizen Science Meeting at the Japanese Society for Environmental Education
•Delvered a presentation at the North American Association for Environmental Education
•Started the Citizen Science Research Meeting

•Conducted the Metropolitan Biodiversity Index Survey (Singapore Index)
•Hosted an international seminar with Kyunsung University
•Undertook a survey on environmental restoration attributed to regional interconnectedness in Upo Wetland (a ‘Wetland of International Importance’) in South Korea
•Developed environmental education materials on biodiversity (the Butterfly/Dragonfly Biotope)
•Undertook a biological survey on restored/revitalised rice paddies and abandoned rice paddies

•Hosted the Biodiversity Open Café
•Hosted the Citizen Science International Symposium in Hiroshima
•Hosted a film screening
•Worked together with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the ‘Citizen Science Drainage Systems Project’
•Undertook a survey on how Germany is dealing with citizen investment in natural energy recovery

•Hosted the 10th and 11th Citizen Science Research Meetings
•Undertook a survey on Citizen Science in the Kansai region
•Received the Research Award for Ecological Research on the paper entitled  “Citizen Science: a new approach to advance ecology, education, and conservation”
•This article was also selected as one of 100 “Change the World” papers by editors of Springer in 2015
•Undertook field experiments on the creation of underwater forests in Sakata Bay in Yamagata Prefecture

•Hosted the 12th, 13th and 14th Citizen Science Research Meetings
•Undertook Spring and Autumn Citizen Science Projects on introduced plant species in the Tama River in collaboration with the Setagaya Mizube Design Network (NPO) and the Tama River Basin Meeting

•Hosted the 15th, 16th and 17th Citizen Science Research Meetings
•Worked together with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on the ‘Citizen Science Drainage Systems Project’ (an ongoing partnership since 2014)
•Undertook Spring and Autumn research on introduced plant species in the Tama River
•Held meetings and presented at the Citizen Science Association in St Paul

•Hosted the 18th, 19th and 20th Citizen Science Research Meetings
•Co-hosted the City Nature Challenge 2018 – Tokyo with Tokyo City University
•Undertook Spring and Autumn research on introduced plant species in the Tama River
•Undertook a public hearing/symposium on citizen science research laboratories using the University of British Colombia’s Geographic Information System (GIS)
•Held meetings at the 2018 City Nature Challenge planning committee of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
•Held meetings at Citizen Science Asia in Hong Kong

Biodiversity Academy (General Incorporated Association

Representative of the Board of Directors: Hiromi Kobori
Distinguished Professor at Tokyo City University Department of Environmental Studies, Biodiversity Research Laboratory


•Hideo Nakamura (Former President at Tokyo City University)
•Hiroyoshi Higuchi (Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University)
•Richard B. Primack (Professor at Boston University)
•Wanglin Yan (Professor at Keio University)

Becoming a Member / Supporting the Biodiversity Academy

The Biodiversity Academy is currently accepting membership applications and program contributions from the public.
Please follow the following link and complete the relevant forms to apply: Application form

Membership Classification:

Members have access to Citizen Science and Biodiversity Academy minutes, as well as information services.
General Members:
•Individual Year-Long Membership Fee: 3000 YEN (up-front payment)
•Corporate Year-Long Membership fee: 5000 YEN (up-front payment)
Patrons of the Biodiversity Academy (Individual and Corporate):
•Year-Long Membership Fee: 10,000 YEN (up-front payment)


The Biodiversity Academy uses all of the contributions it receives to promote its activities within the community


Biodiversity Academy (General Incorporated Company)
Post Box: 1-8-3 Toyotamakita, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 176-0012
TEL: +81 050-3778-7045
EMAIL: info[a]bda.or.jp
([a] should be replaced with @)
WEBSITE: http://bda.or.jp